Thursday, November 23, 2006


I am reminded today about how great life really is. I have a wonderful husband who is thougtful, selfless and such a good reminder for me of what it means to serve and love others. I have three adorable children who are my delight and who remind me how to live genuinely and how to have fun. I have a warm home and food to feed my family. I have a church home with warm, loving people. I have friends and family who care about me. And I have three cute cats that live outside my warm home...

Isn't it sad that even though I have it all, I am continually reminded that I actually don't have it all. I don't have that shirt or that really expensive camera. I don't have lattes or a burger from Sonic. My kids don't have that paricular toy or those pair of cute pants. My children watch all the commercials on t.v. that tell them all the things they're missing in life.

Wouldn't it be great if television actually told you that you already have the most important things in life? What if commercials were to remind you to stay focused on serving others instead of serving self? Those Hallmark commercials always send me warm fuzzies... You know, it's not Christmas without big brother and then, low and behold, he shows up and life is complete... That's kind of headed in the right direction... Maybe...

My goal through the end of the month, especially, is to focus on how God has blessed me and to show to my children where my identity lies. I am content not because of what I have but because I have been given life. I am thankful that I am alive and I have been given such precious people to surround me and love me. Will you remain thankful amid christmas lists and amazing sales? Will you coninue to praise God for how he has blessed you when Thansgiving is over and the turkey is gone? Merry Thanksgiving to you.


arwen said...

I think that is what the Mormon commercials do... and I'm not being silly... their commercials are always about family and how that really is everything...but I only ever enjoy those commercials when they're over. While they are on, I say "Oh shut it" then once it's over, I'm all "Gosh, Nice Mormon man voice... you sure do have it right"
Then I get embarassed for talking to the tv.

Nana Lesa said...

You are so right, Jen....we are often so focused on what the world says we should have that we really miss all the blessing we have. I have been really reminded of that this year as I had several sales and eBay projects to get rid of all the 'stuff' that I really had to have previously in my life. I will join with you in working on being thankful for all the wonderful blessings I have in my life, especially my husband and family. Merry Thanksgiving to you!

Anonymous said...

The other anonymous can go to hell!

tara said...

im sad that "anonymous" took up like 4 comment spots. idiot.

but, i like this blog. it is very easy for me to get caught up in the things i need...i "needed" those new boots and so i got them. we "needed" to decorate our new house for xmas so i bought more lights than actualy fit on the house! we needed to eat out everyday for the last know the neccesities in life. i have been trying to remind myself these days, to forget about the world and focus on falling more in love with may not be able to tell from this post, but i am. so i will pray that the rest of your month of meaning goes well and i will also pray that i learn to give up things like icicle lights.

Chelan said...

Jen, Here's what helps me (if I'm disciplined enough to do it) when I'm needing an escape from consumerism:
1. make a shopping list and shop only from it... if I forgot something and only remember it because I'm in the store and saw it--too bad. Only what I felt I needed at home is important.
2. put something in your cart for your shopping trip and pretend it's alread yours... then at the time to buy everything you can reevaluate if you really still need it as desperately as at the beginning of your shopping trip.

Merry Thanksgiving... and soon a happy birthday to me.

love ya

Jen said...

crap! I hate those spammers. I'll post again soon guys. Maybe I'll post a birthday wish for Chelan!