Do not use this pick-up line!
"Since we just met I should probably go ahead and feel your uterus."
My doctor said that to me today. I laughed out loud. I even repeated what she said. That was a good one!
I also laughed after she left the room because I had been explaining that I was taking colloidal silver and that I thought it was preventing some problems for me. I explained what I believed it to do and why and she said, "It's interesting that nothings been reported on it if it works so great!"
You dumb medical doctor! I hate how people choose to be selective to their particular practice! There are some amazing homeopathic methods and whatnot and I will not be swayed! Chiro's think their way is the only way, acupuncturists, medical doctors, homeopaths... and on and on. Let's be well rounded, okay?