I used to love taking naps in the forts we made. I remember many specific forts, too, from growing up. I remember the houses we lived in, the way the chairs were arranged, the secret entrances. Sometimes, I would make the greatest little fort and neither Ryan or Tara would want to sleep in it! What the crap? Why would you want to sleep on the floor when you could sleep in my fort? Sometimes older sisters on NOT appreciated! (I obviously had been a little too bossy to want to take a nap with...)
I remember making forts at the Sherk's house( our close friends/"not-really-cousins" cousins). Sometimes we made two because how can six kids sleep in one fort? Funny enough, when I think of forts I think of the Sherks. And we never lived really close when we were little but we always managed to make time for each other... Maybe next time we take our kids to their house we'll build them a great fort... Ahhhhh...forts.