Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ding, dittly, ding, dittly, ding, dang, blog!

I tried to post earlier this week and I lost it! Then I became a ticking time bomb or maybe a ball of fury as my dad took his laptop away from me to continue working... Then, I think my children were screaming and crying or something like that! This is the first time I've been able to calm down and write something new. I think I'm doing okay.

Well, on my last post I said something like,"We are having a great time here on the west coast and it's been a real blessing to be here. We've had busy times and quiet times and times with family and times with friends. It has been a perfect blend."

Thursday was Survivor which is always good. We also got to watch it with Aaron and Chelan and Aris and Christy who have always been our Survivor buddies. It was a little different this time, though. Instead of there being three or four children, there was six. We could have been man-to-man but Ben wasn't around... It wasn't as quiet but we actually managed to watch the whole thing!

So, as Survivor began, so did a toothache. I slept horrible and by the next afternoon I was calling my dentist in Abilene for a drug prescription. I've been drugged ever since and I'm gonna be real pissed if it doesn't let up. I can't drive, obviously, so that puts some kinks in my plans. Wish me luck! I'm sure it will be fine...


arwen said...

JEN! What's wrong with you! Why are you always broken?! :(

Ryan Woods said...

She's been hanging out with Jessica too much

Marta said...

hey... hope you made it back safely last night! it was good to see you and the kids, need to do that more often... and i guess it would be okay to see ben every now and then too! ha! hope things went okay at the dentist.

arwen said...

Ouch. It burns! BOOYA! Diss on your face, Jess...