Tuesday, August 05, 2008

La la la

I don't want to be boring but I'm not exactly sure what exciting thing I could post about! I don't have new pictures to post.
I've got it!

All my children can ride a two wheeler now! Emma took Izzy's training wheels off by herself one day a week or so ago and Izzy has got it down! She can start by herself, turn without falling and can put on the breaks instead of running into something and tipping over! She is so good that Sunday we took our bikes to a large park with bike trails nearby and had our first family bike ride. It was so fun. We have reached a new phase in life! When we thought we were done having kids at two it was so we could get to those bike rides and hiking trips and whatnot. Well, we had three kids instead but I am happy to say that the moment surprised me. I had nothing to do with the training wheels coming off and then, BAM! Did I mention that Aiden only mastered his bike a couple months ago so Izzy has beat both of them in age. Izzy was proud when I told her I heard a girl in the park say to her mom, "Look at that little girl! She can ride a two wheeler!!" We need to acquire a bike rack that will fit on our van. Although I am confident in everyone's riding skills I am not confident in their road safety. Our neighborhood is decent for riding around for fun but if you want to go any distance at all we are capped by two heavy traffic streets. We tried to borrow a bike rack but are van was made a little different than what the standard bike rack seems to be made for...

Needles to say, we worked it out on Sunday so we can manage to do it again! Go pedals, Go!


Williams Family said...

That's awesome! Maeghyn still has trouble. She is so afraid of falling over.
I miss you guys! If you come back to Abilene for whatever reason, please get ahold of me so we can do something.

Eric and Cheryl said...

When are you coming down here?

Anonymous said...

Even cooler than riding in the park (which, by the way, was the best Sunday afternoon I have ever had) is that Jen has coined a new phrase. Pretty soon, everyone one will be saying "Needles to say..." I just want to know what kind of needles they are. Hypodermic needles? Sowing needles? Cactus needles?

Tara said...

I am laughing really hard at "needles to say"....LOL
I can't believe Izzy can ride without training wheels! Who knew that a one yr old could do that! (I feel like she is still one...)

jocelyn said...

I love that Ben is also coining a new phrase while making fun of Jen. Sowing needles? Are those special needles used during gardening? Perhaps farmers have large mechanical ones?

Jen said...

Thanks Jocelyn! I would like to use both those phrases now.

Anonymous said...


You're no longer my favorite Wiebe. Inform Mark he was just bumped up to #1.


Kaydub said...

And now I am forced to remember the very day you decided that the training wheels were history. You were an instant expert. You got so skilled on that Friday evening, that you were confident enough to give Ryan a ride on your handlebars, and were doing just fine until the curb, and even then landed pretty softly with Ry's face to break you fall.