Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Big fat chicken

Laughter is great. I am blessed to have a house full of laughter. I'm funny, Ben's funny, my kid's are funny... The only one that's not funny is our bird. that's probably why the Metcalf's pawned him off on us! Sometimes it can be hard for our kids, especially Izzy, to decifer when we really mean it and when we're being silly. Unfortunately she generally assumes that we're kidding which is not very helpful. If I tell her to put her baby in her room she responds with, "Naaaah". Do it or I'm gonna throw your baby in the bushes with the spiders!
At dinner tonight Aiden told me to eat my big fat chicken. (By the way, we weren't eating chicken.) My children think it's really funny to say big fat chicken ever since last Thursday, or so. The rule is that you can't call someone a big fat chicken because calling people any name is not nice. so when Aiden was reprimanded for saying big fat chicken we came to the conclusion that he was obviously not calling me a big fat chicken so we just encouraged him to stop being silly and eat. "Big fat chicken" seems to bother Ben. the kids were still giggling and not eating and I was no help at all when I told Emma to eat her big fat beans or she'd sit at the table all night. Like she was really gonna eat beans after that comment. More giggles. And, yes, we even got a giggle from annoyed boy. I've got to figure out a way to record a dinner conversation. It would be very entertaining.
Another thing that doesn't work so well with Izzy is laughing around her when it's at the t.v. or something because she always wants to know what you're laughing at. I was watching a cartoon with her and I had to explain, every time, why something was funny. that's not really very fun.
As my final point I'll telll you that I think Izzy might have started that whole chicken thing... we were at the table eating lunch last week and Aiden randomly saidwith a perplexed look on his face, "Izzy, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" and she leaned forward and said... "Chicken?"


Jess said...

Sometimes it is hard for me ot picture Izzy talking (besides just saying things like "Mommy"). You have the funniest kids.

Lisa said...

were you guys eating DWTGR's Chickeny Delicious?

arwen said...

"Eat your big fat chickeny delicious..."
ahhh... rolls right off the tongue..
I love your kids

Kaydub said...

Yeah, I understand your delima. Once I was raising some kids who, at the dinner table, could not seem to stay in their chairs. Brenda simply tied them down ... but the family cat released them. Giggling, giggling & more giggling. But perhaps laughter is good for digestion.

tara said...

LOLLOL. thats the funniest thing ive ever heard. "chicken?" LOL im seriously laughing out loud right now! i like your blogs jen, i share them with my friends and even they laugh out loud. i wish i could see your kids more. i think we should plan another trip, i want to see your new house, but i think its your turn to come here....think about that.

arwen said...

"I share your blogs with my friends." It makes me sad that you have wandered from the flock. You should know that Jess and I have stayed true to our bond and have no friends outside of each other. How could you do this? I thought I could trust you...

tara said...

wait! no, when i said friends, i didnt mean "friends" per say, theyre more like people i know that probably dont really like me as much as i think. so dont get the wrong idea. its not what it looks like.

Anonymous said...

I miss your kids! I miss your funny stories being told in person. I'm glad you live in blogland. We're moving to China in less than a month. Someone at Minter can get you our email address if you want it.

Marta said...

you do have the best stories! we're looking forward to seeing all of you in just a few days!! how exciting!