Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The blessings will come down as the prayers go up...

Tomorrow we head to Abilene to board a plane before dawn Thursday morning. We will be heading to Bellingham, WA for an interview at the Sterling Drive Church of Christ. Please send all the prayers you've got and ask for God's blessing on our weekend together. We are excited at the possibility of working together. They will be having one other guy come in the next weekend and will then make their choice. It is nice to have an interview at this point in a churches process. San Diego was not at this point...
We are going sans kids and the Neilsons have graciously offered to take care of them. We are definitely squeezing in a movie this weekend. Maybe even two! We will return home on Monday at dinner time.


tara said...

were defanitly praying that all goes well!! have a fun weekend to yourselves!!!

Marta said...

A kid-free weekend? I'm soooo jealous! I'll be praying that your travel goes smoothly and safely and that you have a fantastic time together! And, of course, that the interview goes wonderfully and that this church will see just how wonderful y'all are!! Looking forward to hearing how it went!

Lisa said...

Sorry, i can't pray for that. You should be in san diego and i will not pray for anything else. Ok, maybe something else might slip into a prayer... but for you, only san diego.

Mark said...

It looks like a great church, I hope you guys had a good trip.

arwen said...

hope it went well! Hurry home and post! hurry!