So, Ben has always been bothered with his nose hairs. He doesn't want to be able to see them! I bought him a nose hair trimmer way back in the day but to no avail. Then some friend told him how to solve the problem.
He ordered his wax online and when it came... the fun began!
You melt the wax, stick it up your nose, and jam Q-tips inside so you can rip it out when it's dry.
1-2-3 yank!
Problem solved.
And did it work?
Yes it did!
Thats gross. And is that a tattoo of a chicken??? You have been in texas too long if your tattooing farm animals on yourselves.
I feel that this post should have come with a warning.
I don't know which emotion is stronger... repulsion at seeing Ben's nose wax/hair or pain at the thought of him actually doing that to himself!
That picture at the end with the nose hairs on it made me throw up in my mouth a little. It also made my eyes water a little...I think my eyes would water if I plucked my nose hairs.
First of all YUK! Secondly thanks for the book recommendations. The seriously too long manual is so dry and hard for my sleep deprived brain to follow. I'll take a looksee at your books. I can't wait to see some pics on your website. Good luck with that new endeavor. I actually looked into shutterfly's business accounts. They looked good because then I didn't have to deal with the printing and I could make the pictures have an access code.
can we look forward to witnessing Ben wax any other body parts?
i have a super catchy email:
dangit. i clicked on the nosehair picture and it was a big mistake...
I examined the final picture as well. My nose is all red from rubbing it. I've never felt such sympathy pains. I was frightened to scroll down through the entire post. Jen, surely you could use some discretion next time? j/k
Criminitly, Nutsy! Now I'm going to have to read Tear Soup again.
I'm not sure which daughter I'm most angry at! The one that took the final photo or the one that mentioned clicking on it!
i didn't even consider clicking on it. but i did it after you all convinced me to.
let me tell you that I'm at school right now.
in a very quiet, mildly full computer lab.
everyone heard me.
but... hey... i have a friend who hates her... i mean HIS... nose hair too...
gross. I'm kidding.
I shave my nose hairs.
That is incredible! I'm so proud of you Jen, for being there to document this event in order to share it with all of us!
bryan and i got a good laugh out of this post. bryan said, "well, he needs can see everything in there!" nice brother, huh? kuddos to you ben for your willingness to be photographed doing such a vulnerable act.
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