Saturday, January 19, 2008

Baby, come home!

Pray for Malak, today. He needs his mommy and daddy and they need him...


Tara said...

For some reason this made me cry, I guess because I am getting sick of all this. I want to meet my son. I want to hold him and kiss him. I am tired of waiting. I am tired of hoping this will be over soon. I just want to see his sweet face and bring him home and be a normal family. Thanks Jenny.

Tara said...

P.S. I n my tears, I forgot to thank you for putting up the worlds ugliest picture of me! Can you take down at least the first one? I will let you keep the, "I just woke up on Christmas morn" ugly one...but come on, the barfy one at Dustin's wedding? Pleeease! Do it for Malak...if you really want him to come home.

Anonymous said...

I like that first picture because Eric looks really high (which we all know he is prone to do).