Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day!

I had a great Mother's Day yesterday! I was given many, many hints that many special things were going to happen. First, I was asked what I would want to eat for lunch. Nothing specific came to mind so they came up with their own idea. Then, I had children telling me they were preparing secret things for me at school. Aiden made sure I could pick him up from school so he didn't have to take his special thing on the bus. He couldn't wait 'til Mother's Day so he gave it to me in the car. Then, one child would slip and mention something about their secret with the big mouth cover afterwards and I just pretended not to notice. Then, another would slip and do the big mouth cover. Then, they would ask me if I knew what we were eating and ask me to guess. Then, another child would panic at all the guessing and say, "No more guessing! You're gonna know what we're doing!" So in the end, before I experienced any of it, I knew they were making me soup in a bread bowl, that we were going to a movie, and that we were doing another special thing that was still a secret. Then, in the midst of the day, I learned it was corn chowder for lunch, that we were seeing Horton Hears a Who and was asked by my husband where the closest Applebees was without him thinking about what he was asking. Aiden was the first to wake up and tried to put his special card he made under my pillow. Then Emma brought me in her book of poems she made at school. Izzy brought me hers as soon as she made it on Saturday! I felt very thought of and very loved and am very thankful for my wonderful husband and children. I am so blessed.

I did get to end Mother's Day with the Survivor Finale which was also very awesome. I kind of wish Amanda would have won, though. Good times!


Chelan said...

Yes, call me, but not during The Bachelor finale tonight. I'm a closet fan of the show.... on another note, I too wish Amanda had won Survivor last night. I was closet watching that too (not that I'm truly ashamed of it, I just watch it alone 'cause Aaron's not into it this time).

Anyhoo! I should be emailing this, but I'm not. So call me, yes, call me. And I went to Tara's blog, but no news about Malak, just a great slide show of his photos... what? she doesn't have time to publish a huge post about everything they did their first day with Malak? j/k ;) Tell me everything!

Chelan said...

Oh, and I'm glad you had a Happy Mother's Day yesterday. My favorite part of your post was Aiden trying to slide his card under your pillow in the morning. tee hee.

Eric and Cheryl said...

Sounds like you had a great Mothers Day! Cute picture of the kids, they are very sweet.

So excited for Tara!!!!

Ryan Woods said...

best mothers day ever.