Thursday, September 25, 2008

Birds! (Graphic content)

This morning was bird morning...

As I took Izzy to school there were some crows eating a freshly killed squirrel. When I headed to the church building I saw a large hawk hop off the road into the bushes with it's freshly killed breakfast. Then, when I picked Izzy up, that same dead squirrel had attracted some seagulls. I was driving pretty slow and there was still one seagull pretty dedicated to his meal. I said, "Move, seagull. I'm driving through here..." And I slowly drove closer and closer expecting Mr. Seagull to hop over to the side of the road and let me pass. So, I'm getting closer and closer, hoping... hoping... Then, thump... THUMP... THUMP! Ahhhh! Yuck! I killed a huge seagull! How stupid are seagulls? "I wasn't gonna take your food!" Darn seagull! (I showed Izzy on the way home.)


Tara said...

LOLOL Oh my gosh! You killed a full size seagull?? Eeks! Funniest story ever though. Sometimes it is worth it to kill an innocent animal if it makes for a great blog post.

Kaydub said...

Sacrifices must be made. There's a price tag for great literary content.

Kaydub said...

how true, how true . . .but i feel more laments coming on because you know God knows every "seagull" that falls or is it just sparrows?? But i think dumb ones or greedy ones don't count.


CarrieHawk said...

Once while driving near the river in Ptld, I honked and expected a seagull to move but instead it ran toward me and rolled up and over my little car. Your way sounds more humane.